Allows one to verify whether a natural or legal person appears on the Protested-Bills Register maintained by the Chamber of Commerce.

Protested Bills

The service allows one to immediately visualise any negativity relating to protested bills or cheques drawn on the account of a legal or natural person. The product provides a list of protested bills made within Italy over the last five (5) years. Where the result of the search is positive, by clicking on REPORT DETAILS one can view the detail on collections in detail.


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Official Data
A chi è rivolto?

A tutti coloro che vogliono conoscere la ripartizione del capitale sociale di una società di capitale.

Allows one to know the shareholder composition of a corporation.


Official Data
A chi è rivolto?

A tutti coloro che desiderano informarsi sulle partecipazioni detenute attualmente da una persona fisica e/o giuridica.

Finds current or past equity interests (shares/quotas) held in a corporation by a natural or legal person.

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