Anti-Fraud Services

Business Defence is an indirect, in-network provider with the Ministry of Economics and Finance under Article 30-ter, paragraph 5, subpart (d) of Legislative Decree no. 141 (13 August 2010) for the public consumer-credit fraud-prevention system, on an administrative level, and with specific reference to identity theft.

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In order to provide support to professionals, banking and financial intermediaries, and business entities outside the finance industry, in term of proper customer vetting, Business Defence has developed a Customer Vetting Service, ensuring compliance with all duties contemplated under Legislative Decree no. 231/07.

Some of our services


Anti-Fraud Services
Who might need this service?

Professionals, Bank or Financial Intermediaries, Businesses outside the Finance Industry

Informational report for purposes of adequate verification, and to combat money laundering, including a Money-Laundering Risk Rating, a list of all negative findings, and company offices, whether currently held, past, or resigned/terminated.


Anti-Fraud Services
Who might need this service?

Professionals, Bank or Financial Intermediaries, Businesses outside the Finance Industry

The most complete informational report, which includes details from the press as well.


Anti-Fraud Services
Who might need this service?

It is useful for companies to vet job candidates.

A wide-ranging investigative report on a natural person. The service takes into account both the personal and professional aspects of a person's life, and analyses their assets and any negative reports or recordings.

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