FULL PLUS is the most in-depth INVESTIGATORY report on Italian companies, aimed at establishing their commercial reliability.
The depth of the public data integrated with the investigations carried out by our investigative department allow us to determine an updated reliability judgment consistent with the investigation period.

The most complete and in-depth investigative survey of the range aimed at evaluating the commercial reliability of Italian companies


The report contains all the necessary checks on the company name, on the exponents and the positions held by them in other companies, on the shareholders, on the shareholdings. The last 3 financial years of the financial statements are analyzed and the relative indices and sector averages are compared, in order to be able to highlight the company trend. To make reading the company's financial aspects even more immediate, FULL PLUS is embellished with comparative graphs, which show the trend of the main values ​​and indices also at a sector level. Furthermore, the report includes the national cadastral survey of the company and its partners and/or main representatives.











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A cosa serve?

Grazie a RISK è possibile fare una valutazione del merito creditizio nei casi di basse esposizioni

RISK is a smart online report on Italian companies, aimed at determining their commercial reliability. From the report emerge the main legal data, the exponents and any negativities present both for the company and for the main exponents


Pre-contractual information
A cosa serve?

Grazie a FULL è possibile fare una valutazione del merito creditizio in caso di alte esposizioni

FULL is the most complete online report that establishes the commercial reliability of Italian companies. In addition to the historical chamber of commerce prospectus, it provides the National Land Registry of the Company and its main members/exponents.


Pre-contractual information
A chi è rivolto?

A chi è interessato a valutare l’affidabilità delle imprese estere

WORLD is an information report on foreign companies aimed at determining their commercial reliability on the reference market.

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