This is an informational report that localises real property across Italy, and held by natural or legal persons.
Land registry office information.
A consolidated database excerpt provides all real-estate assets held by a natural or legal person, including those that can be found with certain Northern Italian Property Offices; the report includes all identifiers for the real property found, including for example: address, type of asset, map section, and land registry office subsection. The search is performed throughout Italy, including the Property Registers in the Trentino Alto Adige region.
Who might need this service?
Individuals or businesses seeking to locate real estate held by a natural person or legal person anywhere in the country
Why is it important?
To locate real estate within the country held by any natural or legal person, to then move forward with the most suitable actions under the circumstances
What data are required for the request?
Tax ID or Surname, First Name, Date and Place of Birth
What is the turnaround time?
Do you have any other questions?
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