This is an informational report that localises the real-estate assets across the Italian territory held by natural or legal persons. The report includes the list of real-property transactions resulting from an inspection of the land registry office identified at the moment the request is submitted.

Cross-referencing land registry office information with mortgage searches

The report lists all identifying elements for real property held by a natural or legal person, including for example: address, asset type, map section, and land registry office subsection. The search is performed throughout Italy, including the Property Offices in the Trentino Alto Adige region. Subsequently, a mortgage search is run at the land registry officed identified at the moment the request is submitted, with the following informational elements found: date of most recent update, number of records found, summary list of the real-property transactions in chronological order (deed type, for/against, date, specific register number, general register number, public official who generated it, description of the deed with any notes or corrections, locations of the real property to which the deeds refer).


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Information on Credit Collection
A chi è rivolto?

Si propone come un utile strumento per tutti coloro che, al fine di un eventuale azione esecutiva, necessitino di conoscere la consistenza dell’immobile da aggredire

PROPERTY VALUE: Provides a property's value


Real-estate information
A chi è rivolto?

A tutti coloro che vogliono procurarsi una visura ipotecaria in cui vengano elencati i beni di proprietà di un soggetto alla data attuale con i relativi gravami, in vista di una futura azione immobili...

The excerpt allows one to obtain the actual, current equity status of a certain party from a certain property registry office.


Real-estate information
A chi è rivolto?

A tutti coloro che vogliono localizzare i beni immobili facenti capo ad una persona fisica o giuridica su tutto il territorio nazionale

This is an informational report that localises real property across Italy, and held by natural or legal persons.

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