The enquiry aims to determine the investigated person's job, and the income and compensation received from the same.

The inquiry allows one to identify a party's employment.

The enquiries performed are aimed at identifying a natural person's current job, whether they work for themselves, or for another person, and any pension funds, with a notation of the income received. This allows one to assess what type of legal action to undertake, such as the garnishment of 1/5 of a person's wages.


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Information on Credit Collection
A cosa serve?

Individuare un recapito della persona o dell’azienda e del suo legale rappresentante, in modo da poter procedere all’esazione domiciliare o alla notifica di atti giudiziari.

This report allows one to find a company's registered office, or the current home address of the investigated party.


Information on Credit Collection
A cosa serve?

A individuare patrimonialità del debitore così da poter orientare le strategie di gestione del credito.

This enquiry is the most complete service in the series, providing a snapshot of the current economic/equity status of the party being investigated.


Information on Credit Collection
A cosa serve?

A individuare gli eredi del de cuius così da poter orientare al meglio le strategie di gestione del credito

This enquiry is geared toward identifying the legitimate or necessary heirs of the decedent.

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